Merck Animal Health is proud to introduce the latest protection against fleas and ticks designed for puppies, BRAVECTO® ONE*! The excitement of adopting a new puppy is undeniable and new pet parents might not always be aware of everything they need to do to protect their little furry friend. That is where you come in! As a veterinary professional, your role is to provide guidance and information to help new pet parents make the best decisions possible when it comes to caring for and...
There is still much to be done to end pet obesity. And to support this mission, Hill’s is proud to introduce the End Pet Obesity campaign. Discover Moto and Poochini’s weight loss journey to help raise awareness about this ongoing issue through tools and talking points for veterinary teams. Some pet parents may not realize that they are overfeeding their pet or that their furry pal is overweight. Though the bond between pet parents and their pet is very strong, it is important to raise...
Watch this short video as Dr. Michelle Evason discusses her new book entitled Tick-borne diseases in dogs: A Canadian perspective, which she wrote to help keep dogs and their owners safe from ticks. During this interview, she talks about what inspired her to write this book, what the content focuses on, and what makes it different from similar publications.
As part of RVT Month, we are proud to bring you this interview with Brigitte Couturier, RVT, VTS (ECC), Emergency care team leader and continuing education coordinator at the Centre vétérinaire Laval and ATSAQ President. Learn about about her path to becoming a VTS and what you can expect if you embark on this journey too! Brigitte Couturier is an RVT specialized in emergency and intensive care. She is also the President of the Association des techniciens en santé animale du Québec (ATSAQ). In...
What better way to celebrate RVT Month than with an interview with newly appointed Director of veterinary technologist, learning & development, at VCA Canada, and proud RVT, Shannon Gervais. Shannon has been a proud RVT and a member of the OAVT for 20 years and certainly one of the greatest supporter of professional development of RVTs! During this video, she tells us about her career path which has brought her to work in varied positions within the profession, her new role at VCA and what...
Animal blood banks play a crucial role in supplying veterinary clinics with high-quality animal blood products for pets who need transfusion therapy as part of their care. What can veterinary teams do to help support these blood banks and encourage blood donations? Pets can require blood transfusions for many of the same reasons humans do: illness, injury or surgery. While veterinary clinics have always had a need for animal blood products, the demand for such products is on the rise, as a...
A new Centre of Excellence for Minimally Invasive Procedures (CEMIP) will be established at Université de Montréal’s veterinary school in Saint-Hyacinthe, thanks to a $1-million donation from Royal Canin Canada.Watch an interview with CEMIP Project director, Dr. Marylin Dunn, to learn more about this exciting new center. The Centre will specialize in treatment and veterinary education in minimally invasive procedures, an increasingly popular medical option that includes interventional...
Merck Animal Health introduces VITRECTO®, the first and only feline topical solution that protects against fleas, ticks, and heartworm disease for 2 months, and treats infections with roundworm and hookworm. As veterinary professionals, it is important to educate pet parents on the appropriate measures to protect their cats by recommending convenient and consistent prevention options, as well as by offering practical treatment solutions in the event that an infection does occur. Merck Animal...
When it comes to learning about and diagnosing infectious diseases in small animals, there are plenty of books for veterinary practitioners and students to consult. But none quite like Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat: A Color Handbook, says Dr. Michelle Evason, internal medicine specialist at the Atlantic Veterinary College who co-edited the unique publication together with First Editor, Dr. Scott Weese. We sat down recently with Dr. Evason to discuss the handbook, including the vision...