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Scientific Snapshots
Pimobendan has been proven to increase the lifespan of dogs with chronic degenerative valvular disease (CDVD) leading to congestive heart failure (Stage C). Such use is the current labelled indication for pimobendan in dogs in Canada. Use of pimobendan in patients without congestive heart failure, but with significant cardiomegaly (Stage B2) has been shown to extend the asymptomatic phase of the disease by an average of 15 months (EPIC study). Use of pimobendan in this setting is considered to...
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Watch this video as Dr. Kathryn Reif, associate professor in the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Pathobiology, discusses the growing threat of ticks and tick-borne diseases to pets and humans. She reviews a recent study comparing three isoxazoline drugs for their speed of kill, particularly for eliminating the Lone Star tick. Given the increasing prevalence of ticks and their pathogens, she underscores the importance of using effective tick control products to...
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Watch this video as Dr. Samantha Taylor reviews the 2024 ISFM and AAFP guidelines on long-term NSAID use in cats. She highlights the importance of careful patient selection, comprehensive pretreatment evaluations, and ongoing monitoring to manage chronic pain effectively. She also discusses scenarios where NSAIDs may not be suitable and explores multimodal strategies—including environmental modifications and alternative therapies—to support feline well-being. By adopting these evidence-based...
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Periodontal disease is a common diagnosis in canine (and feline) patients. The true incidence of periodontal disease is likely much higher than is typically cited given that a full oral examination and dental radiographs can only be performed under general anesthesia. Previous studies of canine patients examined while awake detected periodontal disease in 10%–20% of patients. Other studies evaluating patients that were anesthetized, allowing for thorough evaluation of the oral cavity, found...
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Raw and freeze-dried pet foods have been shown in multiple studies to commonly carry and spread pathogenic bacteria in pets, as well as to potentially spread these bacteria to pet parents and other family members. Pets often consume dried meat treats, most often purchased from pet stores. Items used as treats or chews in pets may include body parts, such as ears, snouts, tendons, skin, trachea, tails, penis, hooves and feet from a large range of domestic and nondomestic animals. Multiple...
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Cats commonly develop dental disease as they age; it is estimated that 70% of adult cats have significant periodontal disease. Dental disease can lead to discomfort and pain, and many patients require dental extractions to help minimize pain and further pathology. Wound healing postdental extraction can also cause further pain and discomfort. Studies in rabbits, rats and humans have shown the application of medical-grade honey into the tooth extraction site can relieve discomfort and improve...
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The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) brought together specialists in feline lower urinary tract disease to establish a consensus on the best approaches to diagnosis, treatment and management/prevention of feline urolithiasis. This short quiz is designed to review some of the important aspects of this consensus developed with the feline patient in mind. Contest alert Get a chance to win one of three $50 Amazon gift cards. The draw will happen on October 11, 2024, and the...
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In this video, Dr. Scott Stevenson explores the findings of the 2020 Canadian tick surveillance study, emphasizing the widespread presence of Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes pacificus ticks across Canada and the diseases they transmit. He also explains the difference between both passive and active surveillance methods, with a particular focus on the web-based community science tool, eTick. The video highlights the increasing threat of tick-borne diseases like Lyme disease and stresses the vital...
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Watch this video as Dr. Tony Yu outlines the essential ingredients and mechanisms of action to look for in a quality ear cleaner, considering both effectiveness and cost. He also recommends a product that meets his rigorous standards. Additionally, he offers practical tips for achieving a thorough ear cleaning.
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