Oral health is a fundamental aspect of overall pet health and well-being. Although compromised dental health may not exhibit obvious clinical signs of disease, it can affect a pet’s health, longevity, quality of life, and interaction with its owner. Therefore, veterinary dentistry represents an opportunity for primary care clinics to demonstrate a high level of service and professional expertise to their clients and to positively impact patient comfort and well-being. To promote the...
There's no denying the northward expansion of tick ranges, the explosive population growth of certain species such as Ixodes scapularis (especially in eastern and central Canada), and the importance of keeping tabs on them in real-time. Although a number of services are offered across the country to help the public obtain information about ticks and tick-borne diseases, most require the submission of tick specimens for examination, a process that may take a long time. In 2015, researchers...
10:22 min
Featuring Julius M. Liptak, BVSc, MVetClinStud, FACVSc, Dipl. ACVS-SA, Dipl. ECVS
At what point did Dr. Liptak realize that he truly wanted to work in cancer care? How did he contribute to the development of the Veterinary Society of Surgical Oncology? Who is his mentor and what does he find most rewarding in his work? What helps to improve an animal’s well-being after getting through surgery and how does computer-aided design help to ensure success? Watch this exclusive video interview for answers to these questions and to find out what surgical cases Dr. Liptak enjoys...
09:06 min
Featuring Marilyn Dunn, DVM, MVSC, Dipl. ACVIM, Fellow IR
Who influenced Dr. Dunn’s career path and which patient actually changed the direction of her career? What are the essential qualities required to perform minimally invasive procedures? What is she trying to teach the next generation of veterinary surgeons? How does she keep her work-life balance? Watch this exclusive video interview for answers to these questions and to find out what Dr. Dunn’s plans are for the future.
09:49 min
Featuring Paulo Steagall, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVAA, Associate professor of anesthesia and pain management
What inspired Dr. Steagall to study veterinary medicine? What are some of the most recent breakthroughs in anesthesia and pain management? What are the main concerns he tries to address through his research? What would he like to pass on to future generations of veterinarians? Watch this exclusive video interview for answers to these questions and to find out what an anesthesiologist’s best quality should be!
08:11 min
Featuring Jérôme D’Astous, DVM, IPSAV, Dipl. AVDC
What motivated Dr. D'Astous to choose veterinary dentistry as his specialty? What does he find the most rewarding about his work? Of what achievements is he the most proud? What advice would he give new graduates? Watch this exclusive video interview for answers to these questions... and to find out what it's like to perform "supersized" dental procedures on tigers and other zoo animals!
10:18 min
Featuring Craig Mosley, DVM, MSc, DACVAA
Veterinary anesthesiologist Dr. Craig Mosley has taken a circuitous (and fascinating) route to the career he describes as a perfect fit for him – a specialty that not only combines all the basic sciences, but also allows him to work with many different species... from iguanas to elephants!
13:48 min
Featuring John Tait, BSc, MS (FIN.), DVM, MBA, CFP
Meet Dr. John Tait, a veterinarian with a keen business acumen.
08:53 min
Featuring Renée-Claire Malenfant, DVM, DACVS-SA
This New-Brunswick native and graduate of the Atlantic Veterinary College in Prince-Edward-Island completed her training in Montreal and in Louisiana, before joining the Groupe vétérinaire Daubigny, in Québec City, where she works as a surgical specialist. Get to know this dedicated professional as she talks about her lifelong passion for veterinary medicine, and shares the story of an unusual case that made a lasting impression on her early on in her career.