60:00 min
Content presented by Elizabeth Ruelle, BSc, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (feline practice)
Early prevention of periodontal and dental disease is essential for cats. During this webcast, feline specialist Dr. Elizabeth Ruelle will summarize the day-to-day strategies of a crazy cat doctor as she navigates the world of felines and clients in a regular clinic setting determined to maximize compliance and minimize team stress. She will address all life stages and tackle key points such as: Dental care from kittens to adult cats;The current perspective on home dental care;The most common...
01:00:00 min
Content presented by Kelly St. Denis, MSc, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (feline practice)
Indoors or outdoors, all cats need preventive health care and vaccination. Designing the right vaccine protocol for each cat can be challenging, but the biggest challenge is getting them into the practice in the first place. This webcast will focus on feline vaccine protocols and how to use cat-friendly techniques to create a more positive visit that gets them coming back again and again! Cat Friendly publications now available!
01:01:38 min
Content presented by Kelly St. Denis, MSc, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (feline practice)
Advances in feline medicine have given us an expanded understanding of feline infectious disease and how we can utilize vaccine technology to protect cats. During this webcast, we will explore these timely topics, including taking a closer look at what’s new with feline retroviruses.
60:00 min
Content presented by Anthony Yu, BSc, DVM, MSc, Dipl. ACVD
Dr. Anthony Yu will review the principles of FLE and cover the well-established mechanisms of action that will help to promote this therapeutic method in your practice. These mechanisms will help to: address infections and lower antimicrobial use;improve wound healing after surgery; and, decrease inflammation associated with perianal fistulas, interdigital furunculosis, and intertrigo. This new treatment modality lends itself well to the practice of antimicrobial stewardship.
01:01:49 min
Content presented by Marie Holowaychuk, DVM, Dipl. ACVECC, CYT
Every member of the veterinary team is regularly impacted by euthanasia procedures. Whether by communicating with a client about the “right time”, helping a family to determine “what comes next”, or calling a pet owner to let them know “the ashes are ready for pick-up”, what feels like a routine part of our work can also take a tremendous toll. During this webcast, veterinary wellness advocate and Thrive! collaborator, Dr. Marie Holowaychuk will focus on recent research that has delved into...
01:09:27 min
Content presented by Sheri Ross, BSc, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM (IM), Dipl. ACVNU (founding member)
The International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) Guidelines provide management recommendations for each stage of chronic kidney disease (CKD). While dietary modification remains the mainstay of medical management for patients with CKD, advances in the management of uremic symptoms have improved the quality and quantity of life for many canine and feline patients with CKD. During this webcast, Dr. Sheri Ross will review the dietary and pharmacologic management of the most common metabolic...
59:13 min
Content presented by Alison Manchester, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM (SAIM)
Most dogs with chronic enteropathy will experience clinical improvement with dietary therapy, but knowing when, why, and how to implement diet as therapy can be challenging. During this webcast, Dr. Alison Manchester will use both theoretical and case-based approaches to navigate these hurdles to maximize the benefits of diet in chronic enteropathy patients. She will also emphasize communication strategies known to improve client compliance with regard to nutritional therapy, as well as help...
45:13 min
Content presented by Beatriz Monteiro, DVM, PhD, PgDip, ISFM Adv Cert FB | B. Duncan X. Lascelles, BSc, BVSc, PhD, CertVA, DSAS(ST), Dipl. ECVS/ACVS
This webcast is presented as part of our series on canine osteoarthritis addressing pathogenesis, disease awareness, canine and owner quality of life, and osteoarthritis management, including new developments. How can we diagnose osteoarthritis in the early stages and slow down disease progression? In this webcast, Professor Duncan Lascelles challenges common perceptions of osteoarthritis: Learn more about the first clinical signs of osteoarthritisDiscover the factors that lead to a successful...