60:00 min
Content presented by Vincent Defalque, DVM, Dipl. ACVD
Join us on August 21 at 7 p.m. (EDT) as we explore antimicrobial resistance and the treatment of canine pyoderma in today’s reality. Antimicrobial resistance is increasingly recognized as a significant global threat to public health. Prudent use of antibiotics is an integral part of best veterinary practices. During this webcast, Dr. Vincent Defalque will focus on canine superficial pyoderma, the most prevalent infection in veterinary dermatology. The discussion will include evidence-based...
60:00 min
Content presented by Richard Ford, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVIM and (Hon) ACVPM Emeritus Professor of Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University
Join us on July 30 at 7 p.m. (EDT) as we discuss the ins and outs of rabies and how to prevent this disease. It’s fair to say that veterinarians are among the health care providers who have an excellent understanding of the risks associated with rabies virus: all mammals (including humans) are susceptible; infected dogs and cats pose a high risk for transmission to humans; infection is virtually fatal; rabies vaccination of dogs and cats is an exceptionally safe and effective public health...
1 h 17 min
Content presented by Michelle Evason, BSc, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM (SAIM) | Jason Stull, VMD, MPVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVPM
Challenges related to pet-owner costs and other barriers to animal care have always been a part of veterinary practice. However, these day-to-day difficulties appear to be increasing, with growing attention to the ‘access to care’ veterinary crisis impacting our patients, clients, and veterinary care teams. One proposed solution to this problem is the deliberate incorporation of Spectrum of Care into practice (i.e., evidence-based care options along the continuum of acceptable care). During...
1 h 04 min
Content presented by Charlie Pye, BSc, DVM, DVSc, Dipl. ACVD
Dermatopicals are often underutilized in managing veterinary dermatology patients. However, they can be an essential part of a multimodal treatment plan, aiding in the repair of the skin barrier, which is so often disrupted in patients with skin disease. During this webcast, learn from veterinary dermatologist, Dr. Charlie Pye, as she discusses:barrier dysfunction in allergic patients;some of the barriers to implementing topical therapy;the benefits of topical therapy for dermatology patients.
1 h 16 min
Content presented by Georgina Beaumont, DVM, BVSc, MANZCVS, Dipl. ECVAA, MRCS | Evie Tummon, RVN and Education Outreach Coordinator
Empowering technicians in OA treatment!This webcast is presented as part of our series on canine osteoarthritis addressing pathogenesis, disease awareness, canine and owner quality of life, and osteoarthritis management, including new developments. In this webcast, Dr. Georgina Beaumont and Evie Tummon, RVT, provide comprehensive up-to-date education on various aspects of canine osteoarthritis (OA) from a new perspective, the RVT's perspective, and the important role RVTs/AHT play in...
55:18 min
Content presented by Guillaume Ragetly, DVM, PhD., Dipl. ACVS (small animals)
Monoclonal antibodies have emerged in the management of dogs and cats suffering from osteoarthritis. After three years in European markets, what have we learned about this new type of treatment? What is the real place of this therapy in the management of osteoarthritis? During this webcast, Dr. Guillaume Ragetly, French specialist in surgery, will share with you his clinical approach based on clinical studies and cases, in addition to answering your most frequently asked questions.
58:45 min
Content presented by Susan Kilborn, DVM, DVSc, Dipl. ACVIM | Sarah Abood, DVM, PhD
The treatment approach for acute and chronic enteropathy can vary depending on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. However, the key to success is designing an optimal medical and nutritional treatment plan tailored to each pet’s specific needs. During this webcast, Drs. Sarah Abood and Susan Kilborn will use a case-based approach to highlight important therapeutic considerations of acute enteropathy. They will also explore ‘pain points’ with routine and challenging chronic...
1 h 06 min
Content presented by Caitlin Grant, DVM, DVSc, EBVS Specialist in Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, Dipl. ECVCN
Nutrition is an important consideration for every pet, and paying attention to nutritional choices and recommendations for healthy pets can impact their well-being and longevity. There are several misconceptions, among both pet owners and veterinary professionals regarding pet nutrition. During this webcast, Dr. Caitlin Grant will address some of these misconceptions, such as interpreting food labels, questioning ingredients, and feeding alternative diets.
1 h 02 min
Content presented by Charles Bruce, DVM, Dipl. ACVS, DVSc
Managing osteoarthritis (OA) in pets requires a multifaceted approach to alleviate pain, improve joint mobility, and enhance overall quality of life, which can involve medication. During this webcast, Dr. Charles Bruce will discuss novel analgesics, including monoclonal antibody treatments, frunevetmab injection and bedinvetmab injection, drawing from over 12 months of clinical experience. He will provide valuable insights into case selection and management, supported by case examples.