Practice Playbook
10:20 min
Content presented by Alex Boo, BScH, DVM
In this Practice Playbook video, Dr. Alex Boo explores the positioning, pricing, and selling strategies for Fluorescent Light Energy (FLE). He shares his insights and experiences on incorporating FLE into his clinic’s offerings, highlighting the benefits and advantages of this treatment for patients and their owners. He also details pricing strategies and provides valuable tips for effectively communicating the efficacy and value of FLE treatments to pet owners. Contest alert! After viewing...
8:01 min
Content presented by Martin Caouette, DVM, IPSAV
In this Practice Playbook video, Dr. Martin Caouette discusses the successful integration of Fluorescent Light Energy treatment into his daily practice. He explains how his team embraced this innovative technology after an initial phase of learning and adaptation. He also describes the integration process, which involved comprehensive training for the entire veterinary team, participation in specialized lectures, and meticulous organization of all necessary equipment to enhance treatment...
8:19 min
Content presented by Heather McGowan, BScH, DVM
In this Practice Playbook video, Dr. Heather McGowan highlights the benefits of using Fluorescent Light Energy in your clinic. She provides strategies for driving engagement from your team and clients and offers comprehensive, step-by-step instructions for using this innovative technology to treat various skin conditions in patients.
13:38 min
Content presented by Senani Ratnayake, BSc, RVT, Director of Learning and Engagement at Vet Alliance/Globalvet | Aaron Eckler, Hon BSc, MBA, Senior Director, Practice Services at Vet Alliance/Globalvet
Have you ever had an idea that fell flat on implementation? It didn't achieve your goal or didn't get the buy-in you expected? Have you ever tried something new without knowing how to get momentum or how to take your idea that one last step to make it successful? Our Practice Playbook experts, Senani Ratnayake and Aaron Eckler from Vet Alliance/Globalvet, explain how a simple system and a few important checkpoints can dramatically impact your success in implementing ideas and achieving your...
10:01 min
Content presented by Senani Ratnayake, BSc, RVT, Director of Learning and Engagement at Vet Alliance/Globalvet | Shona Kowtecky, BSc, DVM, FFCP (veterinary), Senior Manager, Practice Services at Vet Alliance/Globalvet | Lucie Langevin-Neil, RVT, ACC, Strategic Advisor, Practice Services at Vet Alliance/Globalvet | Darla Messner, CVPM, FFCP (veterinary), Strategic Advisor, Practice Services at Vet Alliance/Globalvet | Allison Rosa Gastaldo, RVT, Strategic Advisor, Practice Services at Vet Alliance/Globalvet
Throughout your professional journey, has anyone contributed to your success or inspired you to take on new challenges while making you feel valued, appreciated, and included? Have you ever felt empowered and supported by your superiors or colleagues who pushed you to be your best? Our Practice Playbook expert, Senani Ratnayake from Vet Alliance/Globalvet calls upon some colleagues to share how their career paths were positively influenced by someone who set them up for success.
11:38 min
Content presented by Lucie Langevin-Neil, RVT, ACC, Strategic Advisor, Practice Services at Vet Alliance/Globalvet
Does your clinic have a policy manual? If so, is it up-to-date? Do you view policy-making as a dreadful necessity or as a helpful guide for your employees, one that reflects the values of your practice and your team? Our Practice Playbook expert, Lucie Langevin-Neil shares best practices and five key principles for integration of effective policy-making into your practice. These insights will allow you to develop policies that reflect who you are and will help foster trust, collaboration and...
11:15 min
Content presented by Shona Kowtecky, BSc, DVM, FFCP (veterinary), Senior Manager, Practice Services at Vet Alliance/Globalvet
How do you handle tough cases and difficult situations in your clinic? Does everyone just vent to their colleagues when they need to or is there a safe space where team members can share their frustrations and traumatic experiences? Our Practice Playbook expert, Dr. Shona Kowtecky explains how to implement low-impact debriefing in your practice, so team members can learn how to properly share their stories with the right person, at the right time, and in the right way.
08:53 min
Content presented by Cyndie Courtney, DVM
How is conflict handled or perceived in your clinic? Are there any subtle signs you are missing that could help you prevent or manage conflict within your team? Our Practice Playbook expert, Dr. Cyndie Courtney explains how to effectively address interpersonal conflict and what you can do to help avoid conflict in the first place, including policies you can implement to support your team's well-being and ensure optimal patient care.
15:35 min
Content presented by Senani Ratnayake, BSc, RVT, Director of Learning and Engagement at Vet Alliance/Globalvet
Are you a leader? Do you have the power to lead? If not, do you know where it comes from and how to get it? The answer may surprise you! Our Practice Playbook expert, Senani Ratnayake from Vet Alliance/Globalvet shares her advice and key tips to help you better understand leadership mindset and what being a good leader is really about. This session isn't just for owners and managers. To truly inspire, you need to understand the behaviours and attitudes that will ultimately lead to success with...