
All CommuniVET™ learning activities identified with this stamp are submitted for accreditation (CE credits) to the provincial bodies governing veterinarians and RVTs/AHTs. CommuniVET will issue certificates of attendance for these activities, which participants may use to claim CE credits from their respective governing body’s continuing education recognition program.

01:04:57 min
Content presented by Sarah Wilson, BScH, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM (nutrition)
Each Wednesday in October, join a Canadian Academy of Veterinary Nutrition expert as they address some of the specific nutritional challenges associated with aging pets. This is the first session in the CAVN 3rd Annual fall live webinar series: Keeping our pets' golden years, golden. Review of the role nutrition can play in dogs with cognitive disease. Discussion of the nutrients shown to be beneficial in cognitive health as well as monitoring and feeding strategies that can help address the...
01:01:15 min
Content presented by Jackie Parr, BScH, DVM, MSc, Dipl. ACVIM (nutrition)
Each Wednesday in October, join a Canadian Academy of Veterinary Nutrition expert as they address some of the specific nutritional challenges associated with aging pets. This is the second session in the CAVN 3rd Annual fall live webinar series: Keeping our pets' golden years, golden. Review of the broad impacts of obesity and overweightness on cats and dogs as they ageReview of current research on obesity communication, with an emphasis on the challenges we must overcome as veterinary...
53:24 min
Content presented by Younès Chorfi, DVM, PhD
Each Wednesday in October, join a Canadian Academy of Veterinary Nutrition expert as they address some of the specific nutritional challenges associated with aging pets. This is the third session in the CAVN 3rd Annual fall live webinar series: Keeping our pets' golden years, golden. Maintaining lean body mass can impact pet health and longevity. We will review the role of nutrition in maintaining lean body mass in aging pets.
51:05 min
Content presented by Francisco Poblanno, DVM, DVSc
This is the fourth session in the CAVN 3rd Annual fall live webinar series: Keeping our pets' golden years, golden. Review of the role of nutrition in the management of patients with ostheoarthritis: patient assessment, key nutritional factors and nutraceuticals.
01:04:50 min
Content presented by Valerie Parker, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM (SAIM, nutrition)
Why should we care about fibre and when should it be used? In this webcast, Dr. Valerie Parker discusses different ways to think about fibre to help patients with GI issues, while presenting clinical situations in which veterinary teams might reach for fibre. She also describes two recent cases to illustrate a few points and benefits.
57:42 min
Content presented by Susan Kilborn, DVM, DVSc, Dipl. ACVIM | Lisa Carioto, DVM, DVSc, Dipl. ACVIM | Tatjana K. Mirkovic, BSc, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM
While antibiotics can certainly be beneficial or even lifesaving for some pets with chronic gastrointestinal (GI) disease, for others these drugs are unnecessary and may even be harmful. Recent data has revealed both the lack of evidence to support antimicrobial efficacy and the negative impact of short and long-term use of antimicrobial drugs on the microbiome, which plays an important role in health and immunity. In addition, antibiotic overuse may lead to the rapid development of resistant...
56:52 min
Content presented by Enid Stiles, DVM, MSc | Mélanie Normand, DVM
Are you a general practice veterinarian? If so, watch the second session of a three-part webcast series to discuss companion animal vaccination protocols with your peers.Dr. Enid Stiles and Dr. Melanie Normand are two general practitioners who have a special interest in vaccination and will lead a unique and innovative discussion with the audience on vaccination issues raised by CommuniVET™ members in a recent survey. They will discuss tips from the 2022 AAHA Canine Vaccination Guidelines,...
01:03:50 min
Content presented by Gabrielle Brosseau, DVM, IPSAV, Dipl. ACVD
NOTE: This webcast is in French with English narration. There is a common misconception that food allergies cause skin problems in pets. However, these types of allergies are actually quite rare. In fact, environmental allergies are the most common cause of allergies in pets. During this webcast, dermatogy specialist Dr. Gabrielle Brosseau will discuss food and environmental allergies, as well as parasitic, viral, bacterial, fungal, inflammatory, and autoimmune dermatoses, which especially...
47:36 min
Content presented by Beatriz Monteiro, DVM, PhD, PgDip, ISFM Adv Cert FB | B. Duncan X. Lascelles, BSc, BVSc, PhD, CertVA, DSAS(ST), Dipl. ECVS/ACVS
This webcast is presented as part of our new series on canine osteoarthritis addressing pathogenesis, disease awareness, canine and owner quality of life, and osteoarthritis management, including new developments. How can we identify at-risk patients and support healthy joints? In this webcast, Professor Duncan Lascelles challenges common perceptions of osteoarthritis: Learn how many dogs may be affected by osteoarthritis-associated painDiscover why we should shift our focus to young dogs and...